Headhunter Industry Executives

As an industry headhunter, we help you find suitable executives and specialists for your industry. If you cannot find the right candidates through job advertisements, our headhunters will actively search for suitable candidates through direct search and executive search. As headhunters in the industry, we have filled vacancies for various key sectors.

Headhunting at management, executive and senior management level

Headhunting in industry includes both the direct search for executives and for board members, director positions and managing directors. This includes management positions in various specialist areas, key positions and low-ranking managers at home and abroad. As a headhunting agency, we are not only active nationally, but also offer headhunting internationally for European companies.

The Kontrast Personnel Consulting GmbH

Our headhunters for industry have many years of experience in direct search and have excellent references in headhunting for specialists and executives. Our quality in direct search and executive search is tested and certified according to DIN ISO 9001: 2015 and SGB III.

As a headhunting agency in Hamburg, we only work with permanently employed headhunters who carry out the direct search. Our team consists of 10 qualified and academically trained consultants and trainers who combine various disciplines with their expertise. Since 1993, we have been constantly developing our direct approach strategies and can thus boast a placement rate of 90 percent.

How we work as a headhunting agency

We at Kontrast Personalberatung GmbH use profiling to introduce you to suitable candidates. We actively search for suitable target persons who have the necessary references and approach them directly. This is done via classic headhunting, but also online. In addition, we can draw on our own active candidate pool.

Furthermore, we publish job offers on various platforms in order to draw the attention of candidates and the community to you. During these processes, we continuously match your requirements with the candidates' interests.

On the other hand, we make sure that we only make serious offers to our candidates. We only place permanent positions and no temporary employment or employee leasing.

The protection of your data

When headhunting for executives, it can be crucial that this happens discreetly. That is why we protect your data and do not pass it on without consulting you. By making the direct approach and publishing job advertisements for you, the search for a successor can happen discreetly.

Because quality is important to us

As industry headhunters, we have a deep understanding of the various industry sectors. This helps us in our search for suitable candidates. On the other hand, we screen the candidates thoroughly. This combination of understanding the industries and the people, as well as years of experience, allows us to quickly present you with suitable targets.

Professionals for different sectors of the industry

Headhunting in the industry covers various sectors and therefore also many different job profiles and specialist areas. We fill positions for you in the classic functional areas such as purchasing, logistics, production and sales.

However, our headhunters are also specialised in the direct search for key positions in engineering, IT, lawyers and scientists. We find successor appointments for you in these areas or support you in setting up new locations, departments or teams.

Contact us

certified quality

ISO 9001:2015

honorable merchant

the port to Europe

reliable privacy

keep contorl of your

headhunter mechanical engineering

headhunter recruiting

hr consulting medical technology